【미 폭동】 백인, 울버린 같은 무기를 장비해서 흑인 시위에 참가하는 소년소녀를 습격
In Whitestone, where a man allegedly tried to run over protestors and attack them with knives. Hear from these teens tonight n @NBCNewYork pic.twitter.com/UVSBNiig1T
— Myles N. Miller (@MylesMill) June 3, 2020
SEE IT: Man gets out of his car with a knife contraption and tries to attack #BLM protestors in Whitestone, Queens. Police say “no arrests at this time and the investigation is ongoing.” pic.twitter.com/r1bWnSJlgV
— Myles N. Miller (@MylesMill) June 3, 2020
울버린 손톱
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