
심장정지로부터 소생된 수형자 '한번 죽었기 때문에 형기는 끝냈음" 재판한 결과ㅋㅋㅋ

나나시노 2019. 11. 10. 21:54




심장정지로부터 소생된 수형자 '한번 죽었기 때문에 형기는 끝냈음" 재판한 결과ㅋㅋㅋ





A Prisoner Who Briefly Died Argues That He’s Served His Life Sentence

A court in Iowa found that a murderer who was revived “is either still alive, in which case he must remain in prison, or he is actually dead, in which case this appeal is moot.”




Convicted murderer says life sentence was served when he died and was revived after septic poisoning

Benjamin Schreiber claimed that his life sentence was served when he was rushed to the hospital and his heart was restarted five times.





1996년에 살인으로 종신형이 선고된 Benjamin Schreiber 수형자(66)는 아이오와 주립형무소 독방내에서 실신해 심장정지.


미리 소생 조치 거부 지시를 냈었지만, 반송처 병원에서 소생되었다

수술을 받은 그는 '원하지 않았는데 소생되었다', 심장정지는 엄밀하게 말하면 죽은 것과 동의. 종신형을 끝낸 것.



종신형은 '죽은 후부터는 효력을 내지 않아'라고 주장했다


그러나 아이오와주 항소 법원은 '설득력이 없고 법적근거가 없다'라고 말했다



