
"This War of Mine: Stories" 에피소드3 “Fading Embers” 발매, 론치 트레일러도

나나시노 2019. 8. 6. 22:49




"This War of Mine: Stories" 에피소드3 “Fading Embers” 발매, 론치 트레일러도





This War of Mine: Stories - Fading Embers (ep. 3) on Steam

Tackle the challenge of preserving human heritage during war. The plot follows Anja trying to survive in the wreck of her family’s home. After a wounded stranger shows at her doorstep, Anja realizes her decisions can make all the difference for the legacy





요전에, 발매일이 2019년8월6일에 결정한 “This War of Mine” 스토리 DLC 패스 "This War of Mine: Stories" 제3탄 에피소드 “Fading Embers”입니다만, 오늘 예정대로 본작 판매가 시작되어, 11 bit studios의 새로운 에피소드 개요와 게임 플레이 하이라이트를 소개하는 론치 트레일러를 공개했습니다.




This War of Mine: Stories - Fading Embers | Official Launch Trailer

