
15세 소녀가 대난투 스매시 브라더스 대회에서 세계적인 프로선수 Ally 씨를 격파→인터넷에서 왕따를 당함...

나나시노 2019. 7. 5. 13:40




15세 소녀가 대난투 스매시 브라더스 대회에서 세계적인 프로선수 Ally 씨를 격파→인터넷에서 왕따를 당함...




『대난투 스매시 브라더스 SPECIAL』 토너먼트 준준결승으로 프로선수에게 이긴 15세 소녀가, 인터넷에서 왕따를 당했습니다.




Smash Ultimate community bullies 15-year-old player into nearly retiring - GameRevolution

The Smash Bros community has forced a 15-year-old girl into near-retirement, after Smash Ultimate player Bocchi was bullied by other players after defeating pro Ally.




15세 소녀 Bocchi 씨가 미국 뉴욕에서 개최된 『스마브라SP』 토너먼트 준준결승(AON Ultimate)에서, 최강 스네이크 쓰기로서 유명한 캐나다 톱 플레이어 Ally 씨를 격파했다.


Ally 씨는 세계대회에도 우승 경험을 가지는 실력파 선수. 그러나 15세 소녀가 조종하는 "시즈에씨"를 공략할 수 없고 패배했습니다. 이번 일어난 ”하극상”은 해외 미디어도 크게 보고해, 그녀는 일약 주목을 모았다.


그러나 젊은 재능의 출현에 기뻐하는 사람들도 많이 있을 뿐, Bocchi 씨의 활약을 질투하고, 욕이나 짓궂은 짓을 하는 사람도 나온 것 같습니다.




<bocchi 트위터>


bocchi on Twitter

“fame sucks. i literally would have rather lost that set and have done nothing. fame has brought nothing but stress and annoying. there are nice people but a lot of negativity came from it too. sigh. i hate this.”





fame sucks. i literally would have rather lost that set and have done nothing. fame has brought nothing but stress and annoying. there are nice people but a lot of negativity came from it too. sigh.

i hate this.

the worst of it comes from being a girl too. they get on my ass saying all kinds of rude shit and it’s beyond stressful. sigh. i highkey wish i didn’t play smash rn FUCK

nvm. final tweet from this account. I will either be done with smash or begin competing under a new name to avoid this attention i've gained. I will stop streaming and find my path by myself. Do not expect me to be bocchi anymore. I'm done. If i do come back to the community





그 후 트윗에서 "스마브라계로부터 은퇴하지 않는다"라고 말한 Bocchi 씨. 그러나 잇따르는 왕따를 참을 수 없었던 그녀는, 활동 중지를 선언했습니다.

앞으로는 "호의적인 목소리에 귀를 기울이도록 하고 싶다"라고 했다.


Bocchi 씨를 유명하게 한 준준결승이지만, 많은 시청자가 Ally씨의 승리를 확신했기 때문, 소녀의 ”기습”은 큰 놀람과 환성을 낳았다.

15세 소녀가 톱 플레이어 Ally 씨를 패배시킨 시합

AON Ultimate #027 Winners Quarterfinals Ally vs TSN | Bocchi




