
퍼그 등 MRI 사진ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

나나시노 2020. 1. 5. 18:48




퍼그 등 MRI 사진ㅋㅋㅋㅋ





Andy Richter on Twitter

“My friend’s pug went to the vet”





My friend’s pug went to the vet







Alan on Twitter

“@AndyRichter @Vilavaite Here's an MRI scan of a dog's brain we did in February 1994. More than 25 years ago! 0.5 Tesla, GE Signa! Also, do dogs all have divergent gaze? Was this normal? cc @aukeappelman @AmyKotsenas @mattdbull @saspist”





Here's an MRI scan of a dog's brain we did in February 1994. More than 25 years ago! 0.5 Tesla, GE Signa! Also, do dogs all have divergent gaze? Was this normal? cc







Teresa Porri, Ph.D. on Twitter

“@AndyRichter I work with CTs all day, and my scientific opinion is: all 2D slices through the eyes are grotesque. Here's a fish I scanned a couple of weeks ago.”





I work with CTs all day, and my scientific opinion is: all 2D slices through the eyes are grotesque. Here's a fish I scanned a couple of weeks ago.







🏹Tom Bosmer🧪 on Twitter

“@AndyRichter Awww.. nice coronal view! Are his sinuses congested? (Here’s a human’s scan for comparison.)”





Awww.. nice coronal view! Are his sinuses congested?

(Here’s a human’s scan for comparison.)





